Exploring the oddity of books spare moment by another spare moment...also, a lot of ellipses...

Friday, February 25, 2011

4: Plant Consciousness, Plant Care

When you don't just love your plants, but you respect them. All of which leads me to imagine sun dried "mystics" in Santa Fe or Taos proclaiming that their fern thinks he's people.

Now this isn't a new book, as if one couldn't tell from the Hobbit excerpt for a cover, so I was interested to see if anyone still practices this sort of...well I don't want to say delusion as I want something funnier to fill the space, but since I can't this sort of rambling will have to do.

Now it's not fair to hold what the Google tells you against someone/something, but when the first result from "plant consciousness" is a site that looks preserved from the wild internets of 1996 and the very first sentence on it is "Plant consciousness has long been seen by many as a crazy idea proliferated by hippies and the such like," well...sometimes it's fair. Also, I love the phrase "the such like." Another also, a random page presented this beginning sentence, "Talk to your plants, but also listen." Fuck these weirdos.

Final bit is of history. This book, from 1973, came from a brief era of Quadrangle Publishing after the smaller Chicago press was bought by the NY Times, but before it was renamed Times Books.

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