Exploring the oddity of books spare moment by another spare moment...also, a lot of ellipses...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

22: The Man From S.T.U.D. in The Girl With the Polka Dot Box

1969. Why not convert acronym prone thrillers of the day (Man from U.N.C.L.E., Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., S.W.A.T....damn I hate having to do that whole type, then period, then type, then period pattern; is this a really long parenthetical break or what? Oooh, maybe this is the real point of the paragraph and what is outside is cosmetic, or a dream, or only an entryway to my mind.) into paperback sex romps? What does it say about us that a thriller or a spy novel today is more likely to be genre mashed with vampires?

Anyway, past or present, this is no Tijuana Bible or Rule 34, this is actual parody via a hell of a lot of mentions of "bush" and "broads." Actual sentence from the book: "He led her by the bush to the bed." Other than that, well, you could say the flagrante is detailed. One could blush or laugh, but never both.
This isn't the most collectible/expensive of the odd books in my collection, but it would be one of the harder to replace if accidentally destroyed. Naturally I found it in a dusty used book shop of the lesser of the two types. Used shops can either have deep, valuable, or recent selections...you know, obvious from the first glance of worthy delving. Or...they can be those leftover shops still occupying a local niche long since past its prime. No longer do locals trade-in the latest Cussler or whatever the oldies are reading these days. When you walk in, you look around but all you see are items from 10 to 20 years ago at the latest. This shop, where I found this one, was of the later. Still, hidden in the back, and past a narrow gap in shelves, was a selection of nice 60s pulps like reprints of 30s and 40s heroic fare like Doc Savage and the Avenger and sex romps like this one. Why be shocked that the heirs to the unwanted creations of others lack the imagination to notice the truly unique?

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